Kia Ora, Malo Ni, Kia Orana, Talofa Lava, Malo e Lelei, Fakaalofa Lahi Atu, Bula Vinaka, Namaste, Ni Hao, Mauri, Xin Chao, Sa Wat Dee, Jumreap Sooa, Akwaaba   


Our vision

Grow life-long learners who are connected, engaged and inclusive in their learning and faith.

'Inclusivity is the emphasis and heart of the school, for every student in the school. '

St. Marcellin School is based in Tāwhero in the beautiful river city, Whanganui, New Zealand.

It is a state integrated Catholic special character school catering for students in an inclusive, co-educational, multi-cultural environment, Year 0 to Year 8.

Teaching and learning programmes are designed to give a balanced coverage of all learning areas and are further developed through integration and inquiry-based learning across the curriculum.  

All classrooms have interactive TV monitors. Computer technology is accessible via the use of in-class Chrome Books which are integrated into learning and are especially useful when using web based ‘Mathletics’ and 'Reading Eggs' programmes and visual teaching tools for classroom delivery of the curriculum.

Our grounds are pleasant and well maintained. There are playground structures in the Junior playground and various areas of play for the Senior students in the form of hand ball courts, basketball facilities and soccer. We implement the 'Bikes in Schools' programme and Friday's are 'Wheels Days' at school.

The present multi-purpose room is well utilized for a variety of school activities including: assemblies, class activities, physical education movement lessons, library, chapel and buddy reading.

We operate an open-door policy and warmly encourage parents and caregivers to support their children in their learning by attending school events and being involved in some of the various school support committees we operate during the year.  This also provides parents and caregivers opportunities to learn about how our school operates and how they can support their child at home.

Inclusivity is the emphasis and heart of the school, for every student in the school. 

St. Marcellin School teachers and support staff believe strongly in the need to ensure that our school supports all of our students in their learning by actively recognising their cultural and individual learning needs, facilitating whanau meetings with parents and caregivers and monitoring the student’s progress via vital assessment data which is fed back to parents and caregivers in Terms 2 and 4.

Creating life-long learners is engendered through the teaching of exciting lessons, collaborative learning and extending the learning experience through trips and tours to places of interest (EOTC).

The Goals of catholic Education

Education in faith has been at the heart of the envangelising mission of the Catholic Church. The Catholic school, as part of the Church, shares in this mission, helping to advance a dialogue between the Church and the world, for the transformation of society.

The goal of Catholics Schools, through their education endeavour, is to:


Car Boot Sale Poster.pdf

School Fundraising Event

Car Boot Sale - Saturday 30th November 2024

8:00am - 12:00pm

It's a time for  a clean out - we've got the perfect opportunity with our Car Boot Sale – School Fundraising Event.

Bring along your car and sell your stuff, or wander through and grab a bargain.

There'll be baking, a sausage sizzle, coffee cart and some great bargains to be had!

If you'd like to book a boot space, please pre-register.

Please check our St Marcellin School Facebook page for any updates or cancellations.

Get in touch if you have any questions or see you there!

St Marcellin School, 7A Totara Street, Tawhero, Whanganui

Pre-Registrations Only


Additional information will be supplied upon registration


Term 1

30 January - 12 April

Term 2

29 April- 5 July

Term 3

22 July- 27 September

Term 4

14 October- 13 December 

Teacher Only Days:

Monday 29 January 2024

Thursday 6 June 2024


Waitangi Day
Tuesday 6 February

Good Friday
Friday 29 March

Easter Monday and Tuesday
Monday 1 April and Tuesday 2 April

Anzac Day
Thursday 25 April

King's Birthday
Wednesday 3 June

Friday 28 June

Labour Day
Monday 28 October

‘We aim at something better: we want to educate them, to instruct them, to teach them to practice it, to give them a Christian spirit and attitudes and to form them to religious habits and the virtues gifted by a good Christian and a good Citizen.’     St Marcellin Champagnat.